Briar Mead is the pseudonymous platform Jordan’s music is released under. Shadow In Mourning (2018) was Briar Mead’s debut album which explored varying genres and techniques of composition. From electronic rhythmic beats and live-recorded alternative trackings, to the slow descent of ambience and avant garde. His live work explores the impermanence of sound and expresses the manipulation of sound’s fidelity, often working with CRT visuals.

Field recordings are a valuable and key part of his compositional path. He sources field recordings from a variety of soundscapes, from the west coast beaches of Auckland, featuring the intricate sanctuary of wildlife and oceanic roars. Reaching the depths of the south island, capturing the lexicon of the expansive landscapes and rivers. These recordings are archived, used and manipulated extensively in his multiplicity of compositions.

Listen to Briar Mead:

Apple Music



Briar Mead @ Outlier Festival 2022


Briar Mead @ Outlier Festival 2019

Briar Mead sits beside a CRT TV and laptop in hand in the basement of Audio Foundation. Ambient swells of piano, synth, and field recordings make up this intimate debut performance. This performance explores the manipulation of sound’s fidelity, visualised by the CRT’s visual reflexes.

Hardware: Laptop, midi controller, output through interface, output through video in on CRT TV.

Press release:

“Briar Mead is an experimental musician based in Tāmaki Makaurau. Briar’s work explores the impermanence of sound in space, and works these two mediums thematically (via a medley of genre & moods) in hope of uncovering hidden sonic mansions beyond the walls in which we reside. With Briar’s debut show, they will be incorporating the use of visual manipulation of sound on CRT through ambient collage.” - Outlier 2019